Power Pair Marketing believes the best marketing plan for a law firm, financial advisor, insurance broker or other professional practice should include video and audio components. Our contention that a client is well advised to expand a marketing plan to include audio and video components is something that is sometimes questioned.
Why do you need these extras?
It comes back to three basic answers:
Having versatility in your marketing presentations provides you with different options for showcasing your firm or practice.
Different potential clients default to the medium they’re most comfortable with, and some prefer a video or audio.
Google gives ranking preference to video content making you easier to find.
Google drives this business, and we make this point over and over. We know it sounds “department of redundancy department” but it’s an important point to understand. When Google changes its search-ranking algorithm, which it does with increasing frequency, having a varied profile featuring a variety of media as part of your digital marketing campaign is going to benefit you. Whatever the plan is and regardless of the investment you could slip in rankings when Google makes a change. But you won’t slide as far if you have a broader base and more variety.
There’s another dimension to this. We have referred elsewhere to AI being a player in search. We believe this is going to evolve, and we believe that Google is already running ahead of the field…and so do others. Google has incredibly deep pockets and is the dominant player in this area. We are confident that tucked away in its big campus is a group that is focusing on this question of evolution and making sure that Google will dominate AI. We have more faith that Google will move quickly, perhaps not first, and will muscle out other players. There may be a fight in this arena down the line, but when this happens, we are bullish on Google as the early dominant player.
What about the other answers? Clients come first, so creating a versatile approach to getting client eyeballs is an important driver of our logic. Since Google is being tasked with delivering clients to your practice, it’s essential that we play the client card in directions both Google and human. Video can be more impactful, and studies show that potential buyers are far more likely to make a purchase from a video than a written description. And a University of Michigan article also highlights the impact by citing that “when images are relevant and visually pleasing, readers will spend more time on the page or post” and that “people remember only about 10 percent of the information they hear three days after they hear it—but when a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained fully 65 percent of the information three days later.” This is powerful stuff! But the written word is still very tremendously effective, and shouldn’t be abandoned, both because it appeals to Google and to potential clients.
Finally, there’s that point about you. Finding different ways to express yourself and your business is going to be something that will relate different views of you to potential clients. The way some people express themselves in writing is different than how they express themselves in video. While we do video with professional voiceovers for our clients, we don’t discourage clients from doing their own thing, too. Hey, if we can increase the number of posts per month by a couple because you want to do two short videos, the more the merrier. It won’t hurt and it is very likely to help.
And if you want to do video or a podcast, isn’t it good to have two pros with long track histories in radio and video to help coach you up so you look and sound the best you can? We believe that’s a great side benefit of Power Pair Marketing.
Sure, this will come at a cost, but we are quite reasonably priced. We designed our marketing company to specifically help small law firms, financial advisors, insurance brokers, and accounting practices to be able to take advantage of digital marketing at prices within their budget.
Reach out to us using our link below, and we’ll schedule a meeting and walk you through the basics of our marketing services. Even if we don’t work together, we’ll be happy if we can enlighten you as your business begins its journey on this path.