Perception Is Reality, Part 2: How Can I Determine My Picture-Perfect Image?

Perception Is Reality, Part 2: How Can I Determine My Picture-Perfect Image?Not too long ago, we put up a post on the Power Pair Marketing website about why we advocate strongly for clients to invest in high-quality photography. 

There are a lot of companies out there that will look at a budget of one-to-two-thousand dollars for photography and give the old Ralph Kramden “mere bag of shells” quip. We don’t. We take spending a client’s money very seriously. 

This is not an easy endeavor. Where does it start? It starts with one basic question: How should you look? We will all agree “mah-velous”, but the type of look anyone goes for should be determined before we engage a photographer and begin the process of crafting your image. 

There is a lot about the final result of how your image will look that depends on two factors: how you see yourself; and how you want clients to see you. These are not always ideas that are in alignment, and part of Power Pair Marketing’s job is to help clients resolve those issues and bring that concept into alignment. 

Different people and practices decide to adopt a different look. Some firms, such as an accounting practice or financial advisory, may take more of a team approach than focus on individuals. On some levels, this makes sense. You may work with an entire staff at a firm like this, so it may make a lot of sense to show group shots. Then again…

People leave practices. You can shell out a couple grand for a photo session, and then a trusted assistant leaves for another job or moves out of the area. A client may ask, “Who is this person in the photo?” and you’ll be obligated to tell them that this is a person who left some time ago. It’s not a great look. If they follow up with, “How long ago?” then, just like that, you need to re-do your photos. 

Individual headshots that can be grouped together is something we favor. Other than pictures of the principles together or others who may never leave your employ, the best advice is to minimize downside potential. 

Then there’s the question of what posture and expression you should take. There’s one personal injury lawyer in New Jersey who has billboards everywhere. She’s trying to look tough and like she’s ready for a night out on the town at the same time. While she’s pretty, and her staff in the photo are mostly pretty women, the conflicting messages aren’t something we would endorse. Yes, we like pretty women, but do I want a personal injury attorney I want to date or flirt with, or one that I want to work really hard for me? That’s not a question of the quality of her work, but a question of the message conveyed by an image. 

There are all kinds of looks for all kinds of professionals in the small practices we work with: lawyers, insurance agents, accountants, financial advisors. This is as unique as you, so our number one bit of advice is for you to be honest with yourself from the outset. 

In short, figuring out your image and making sure it is durable is a tricky business. You want guidance from a firm that will attentively listen to what you have to say about who you are before making any suggestions. Click the link below to talk to Power Pair Marketing about your imaging. We will work to make you look mahvelous!