Our Story

What Our Story Tells You About Us and How We May Be a Great Fit for You

Power Pair Marketing grew out of a single project that gave two friends an opportunity to work together, and it has become one of the best digital marketing companies for small professional services companies – law practices, independent life insurance brokers, boutique financial advisors, and local accounting firms.

The defining concept of our company grew out of a simple idea: small, independent firms need good marketing resources that are within their means. Not everyone has the pockets, time or desire to have a huge marketing budget to support an enormous firm. We recognized this and design highly individualized marketing programs to accentuate the identity of our clients, which are mostly small professional services firms. 

Our program begins with the trinity of marketing: imaging, messaging and branding. Getting your look and your communications to represent who you are, and building those into a cohesive identity is at the heart of the project. We then create a program of regular, individualized content for your firm, so you are competing in your niche with other small and medium firms and maybe even some of the big guys.

Do we work for your competitors? No! We are market exclusive, which means we generally define our market in terms of geography. If you’re in Cape Coral, Florida or Bayonne, New Jersey, we generally only deal with a single firm in your vertical in your town and for a small radius around your town. 

It’s this kind of individualized attention to our client and digging into the details of building that business’s brand that leads us to success. How do you know whether what we’re doing works? With search engine optimization (SEO) being the core metric, we have seen our clients go from zero to dozens of page-one search results in weeks, or few to hundreds of number-one search results on Google in just months. Yes, these are results that make the phone ring and fill those email inboxes.

Marketing to Google Is the Best Marketing

Marketing to Google Is the Best Marketing

We take a two-fold approach to this process. First, we certainly design everything we create for clients around the idea of SEO. We are not designing your identity strictly for potential clients; we are designing your identity for Google, which will bring potential clients to you!

Why is Google so important? It’s all about the numbers! Overall, Google accounts for 88 percent of all search traffic in the U.S. In terms of desktop results, Google dominates with 76 percent of the market, with Microsoft’s Bing, which is built on a similar platform, coming in second at 17 percent. In terms of mobile, the fastest growing segment for search, Google has an astounding 95 percent market share. Whoa! 

So, getting things right with Google is also likely to get things right with Bing, and that will benefit your firm. (A Bing Places account wouldn’t hurt, but that’s another topic.) This is why Google is critical to your success, and why it is our focus.


Marketing Your Identity Is Essential

Remember those two folds from earlier? The first is Google, but the second is the identity of your business. Whether you’re a single proprietorship or a small professional services firm with a handful of employees, you want the best marketing strategy for your dollars. 

Power Pair Marketing pays attention to the identity of your business. While we are creating content to generate search engine results, we also want our clients to appear in the best light possible. We want your personality and, frankly, your charm to come through in your communications.

We know, we know… We just finished saying that marketing is about getting Google to deliver prospective clients to you. This is true. However, once they start looking your website over, we want you to be as appealing as possible to the right client. We want them to be confident in the choice Google made on behalf of their search terms.

Ross Companies site by Power Pair Marketing
Tada Theater site by Power Pair Markeitng

Most firms design themselves to find a specific kind of client. If you’re a real estate attorney, you probably don’t want a big flow of collections work. Your specialization gives us an opportunity to build a brand based that is laser focused on your specialty, and that boosts both your professional appearance and your SEO results. That kind of specialization distinction is a big benefit.

When a potential client visits your site to see what you’re all about, we want that person to be impressed. We want your professionalism and your perspective to shine through. 

Our ability to do this and to tackle complex subject matter in a way that makes a professional firm look great while appealing to Google and being readable to a layman has made us successful at building your digital appeal and generating high-quality, customized content.

Who the Devil Are the Power Pair Marketing Guys?
All About Glen and Jeff

Who the Devil Are the Power Pair Marketing Guys?
All About Glen and Jeff

Can’t AI Do This for Free?

This is an interesting question. AI has a lot of interesting capabilities, and we regularly use it for research. It’s great as a tool in certain applications.

However, when it comes to generating content, you’ll end up with “clone copy.” Your firm will sound like any other firm that uses AI. The way that AI works is that it scrapes content from the Internet, weights the most common uses over less common, and will generate content on that basis.

This is a penny-wise but pound-foolish approach. Google will deduce that the content is AI-generated, and it will discount the value of your content. So, sure, you’ll put up a lot of content that won’t help your search rankings and will make you sound remarkably generic to clients.

And if you’re going to make it sound like you, you’ll be doing a lot of rewriting at the cost of many of your otherwise billable hours. This is an opportunity cost that is best shifted to a leading, highly specialized marketing company like Power Pair Marketing. 

And with all this said, we are enthusiastic about certain facets of AI. Just wait – the entire search-engine business is going to be turned on its head by AI. At least we think so. This is why we always work carefully with client resources and shape our websites, and content will be compliant with AI, enabling your content to continue to be relevant years into the future.

And We Come With More Value!

One of the things we weren’t necessarily prepared for but have truly come to welcome is the consultative aspect of our work. As Power Pair Marketing, we have developed relationships where we have become a trusted sounding board for our clients in their business development. It’s not a cart before the horse claim to say that we’ve made them more aware of how their business decisions will have ripple effects going outward, and that they are thankful that we have been willing, helping hands in this effort.

We are confident in our ability to move your marketing forward. We would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you soon to explore how our relationship could evolve into something special that will help lift your business to the next level.